Bug report
Here is the list of currently found bugs and some pending new features. If you find a bug please check the list to see if it's allready on it, and if it's not please submit it.


Date Description Published by
2013-04-10 22:22 Thanks a lot for the nice product. It`s ... jborges
Thanks a lot for the nice product. It`s like the way I was looking for. I`m still fumbling my way around the program but, please tell me why there is 2 similar panes side by side.Just one pane is mor
2013-29-09 16:48 Find mp3 option stops working after find ... MrAlejo
Find mp3 option stops working after finding 58670 files. No crash, just stops.
2012-03-12 01:43 did you get all of my "New feature"? Thi ... sam
did you get all of my "New feature"? This page may need a little more... send me email address and i will re-submit if you like...
2012-03-12 01:41 well - thanks, but you not make it ez 2 ... sam
well - thanks, but you not make it ez 2 contact... i REALLY APPRECIATE that you suggest hitting "some ads" (instead of stupid trick mouse-overs). So i will!!! At this time i reserve to make donation..
1970-01-01 00:00 If add folder and subfolder is used, any ... phi520
If add folder and subfolder is used, any folder/file name has periods (other than just before the file suffix) will not be added to the list


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